Sunday, February 28, 2010

59 of 365 - Staring Down the Storm

Rain...Rain...And a little bit more rain.  We have been having a wet spring here in AZ and the weather provides interesting back drops for the photography...

I'm pretty sure that everything behind this flower is sky.  I thought it was a good contrast between the two subjects in the photo.  Till tomorrow...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

57 of 365 - Superstition

A couple of good friends got married tonight in front of Superstition mountain tonight.  I got a few of the mountain as everyone normally shoots it.  Tonight the moon was just shy of full and offered a unique perspective of the mountain.
I did a quick edit of the photo and it's a little on the grainy side.  Might have to see if I can clean that up a bit....It's late and it will work for now. You can see a halo from the moon and the little lens flare from the moon.  I thought it was pretty interesting.  

Congratulation to the Tindles! Wishing you all the best! Love you guys! 

Till tomorrow....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

56 of 365 - Boots...

The creativity is flowing a little more freely now... This shot isn't entirely mine...I ran across a similar image the other day and found it to be very interesting.  While trying to mimic the shot...A whole new set of ideas started flowing.
 This wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be..Trying to get the impact and angle I was looking for was a little tough.  Eventually, I think it worked out.

Thanks to Nicole for featuring my blog as her "Blog of the Day"!  Till tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

55 of 365 - Pain In Beauty

The contrast, between the scenery around this pinpointed spot of pain, was eye catching. There was a poem in the frame.  I really didn't want to disturb it. 
 This is quite a dangerous road along these mountains.  Unfortunately this wasnt the only memorial along the road.  It's very sad to see.  Till tomorrow....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

54 of 365 - Metal Head

So...I had the creativity bug hit me at 10PM.  Originally I had another photo picked out for today's post then we watch "Metal Head" on Palladia and I was hit with and idea.  I'm starting to feel creative again. I bought a new book today so we'll see if it leads to anything.  Here is the result of "Metal Head".
I think this is a little more of the creative direction I'd like to go.  I think it's a step in the right direction.  Till tomorrow...

Monday, February 22, 2010

53 of 365 - King Of The Mountain

We went for a walk tonight as the weather was getting crazy.  We were dodging rain drops off and on.  Payton climbed up on this faux rock at the park.  The clouds were nasty behind him and the sun was baring down at the same time.
 This shot is a little unconventional because of the exposure.  I think it works here.  I had a few other exposures that weren't as dynamic and they just didn't have the excitement with both sides of his face exposed.  I also tried a little fill flash off camera.  That was a littler better.  This one is going in the "experimental" folder.  Till tomorrow....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

52 of 365 - Objcts in Mirror...

Sometimes all you get to see of a beautiful sunset...Is what you see in your mirror...
I need to make a change...My pictures are getting boring and lack creativity.  I'm trying to push through a rough spot.  Till tomorrow...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

51 of 365 - The Storm

I left work tonight after being teased by the clouds all day through the window.  Just had enough sun to pull something off.  Right as I finished taking these shots.  Work called and wanted me to come back in...

This isn't the most exciting shot...but its the best I shot today.  Till tomorrow...

Friday, February 19, 2010

50 of 365 - Weight of the World

Just shooting around the house..Trying to find something neat.  This one is a little soft.  I missed the focus a touch.  It didn't totally ruin the shot.
I'm becoming fond of black and white shots.  I will have to experiment a little more.  Till tomorrow.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

49 of 365 - Revved up....

After a long day at's hard to materialize the ideas that you had during the day.  Sometimes you need to get resourceful. I think that's what happened here.  Really didn't have a chance to plan anything out or even a chance to think about it.
 I took this in the driveway when I came home.  Extended exposure with a little rev of the engine.  The image is a little blurry due to the revving.  I'm gonna need gas soon. 
I added this second one from the stop at the grocery store.  I used a 30 second exposure on this shot.  I set my timer so I could get out of the car with out any movement.  I the camera was sitting on the front seat pointing at the moon.  Not a shot you see everyday. Till tomorrow....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

48 of 365 - Street Performer

I'm cheating tonight...I tried a few shots that really didn't work.  I'm tired and taking the easy way out...At least I'm honest...That has to count for something.
This guy was playing for hours while I was walking around.  He had some interesting songs.  Till tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

47 of 365 - Big Blue

Had the chance to go out today and enjoy some warm weather...Sorry east coasters...I really didn't mean to rub it in.  I've been interested in architectural photos lately so I went out to see what I could find.  The lines and the colors make this one the most interesting one of them all.  A struggle was created for me at the bottom of the image.  I cropped the bottom lines out and the image looked like there wasn't a place for it to start.  My opinion is that the lines show a little more depth to the photo and give a basis of what you're looking at. So as you can see...I left it in.

I also took a few shots of a street performer.  My nerves got the best of me on that one.  I'm still a little shy when it comes to shooting strangers on the street and I missed the focus a bit.  He was very cool with it...I think the buy off with a dollar helped too!  There were also a group of chatty homeless people.  I really wanted to talk to them and take some pictures...I just felt like an ass rolling up to homeless people with this camera in my hands.  I'll have to work on my approach on that one.  There could be a great photo-journalistic shots in there.  Sorry for the long post...It took a long time for the photo to load and I had time to burn.  Till tomorrow...

Monday, February 15, 2010

46 of 365 - The Stump...

I have...Well more like had a palm tree out in the front yard.  Due to a dirty  repair in the drip system...Dirt clogged the nozzle for this palm and it didn't make it.  I've been waiting for it to dry up, since it also consumed y shovel on the first attempt to pull it.
The sun was setting when I shot this and it was really pulling the color out.  I also liked the texture.  This didn't come out quite the way I intended...Out of the ground or in the photo.  Till tomorrow.  

Sunday, February 14, 2010

45 of 365 - Mums

Fresh flowers beg to be photographed!
Not quite as vibrant as the orchids but just as bright. Till tomorrow...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

44 of 365 - Raiding the Fridge

I've been wanting to do a self portrait...This isn't exactly what I had in mind but I think it works.  I managed to pull this off in about 4 shots and the first was with the wrong lens.
I truly enjoy shots like this and they are great fun. This one is totally off the wall and I think most will get a kick out of this.  Till tomorrow...

Friday, February 12, 2010

43 of 365 - Wanna Piece of Me?

Endless entertainment!
Till tomorrow...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

42 of 365 - Nut and Bolt

Nuts and bolts.  Found these on my gate on the side of the house. I should have cleaned them up a bit first.  Nah...I think it adds to the image.

I've always like things like this.  I like the "industrial" look and feel.  That may be way I am pulled towards architecture.  Till tomorrow....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

41 of 365 - On Cloud Nine

The weather today was quite interesting.  The clouds rolled in and threatened with rain...In the end they were just that...Threats.  The clouds that came in with the weather were interesting to the south west.
The layered clouds played with the light.  Clouds that lurked in the shadows of the others basking in the sun.  I had to stop for a while to actually see what was going on...I felt like I was missing something through the viewfinder.  The picture doesn't do it justice. Till tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

40 of 365 - At The Car Wash

"There are 10 interesting things to photograph, within 10 feet of you at all times" - Chase Jarvis
I think Chase's quote holds a lot of weight.  Having a camera with you to capture it is also a plus. I don't go far without mine any more.  This was a simple trip to the car wash.  Till tomorrow...

Monday, February 8, 2010

39 of 365 - A bokeh sunset....

Here is a twist on the cliche sunset shot. I added a side of silhouette and bokeh to push it away from being a boring sunset.  The colors were beautiful and I couldn't pass them up tonight.
I had a few others for today...I fell in love with the color on this one.  I carried around my flash with me for an hour to shoot this shot without it.  Till tomorrow...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

38 of 365 - Thermometer...

Played around today with a few things that were pretty interesting.  The clouds today here were awesome.  I tried a few different ways to catch reflections of the clouds and couldn't pull it off for some reason.  I noticed the way the light was hitting the Model A front end and caught this. 
The sun was only falling on half of the car and right down the middle.  This is a temp gauge that is mounted on the filler for the radiator.  The other side has different descriptions to tell you how hot the engine is running.  I need to get a shot of that side some day.  Till tomorrow...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

37 of 365 - Camera

I give myself points for concept...Take a few away for execution.  I couldn't get the light quite right and it took a toll on the little guys attention span. 
I'll be coming back to this one!  Till tomorrow...

Friday, February 5, 2010

36 of 365 - Plug it in....

OK...Tired but back on track!  Need a recharge so plug me in!!!
To make everything feel right again...I want to post another picture from the weekend photo hike downtown to make up for yesterday.  I'll feel better!

That feels a little better.  I would like to go back and revisit this one.  I want to get closer.  There is a ton of detail and plenty of potential.  Till tomorrow...

35 of 365 - Failed

My first miss.... I worked from 5:15am to 11pm last night.  For some reason I couldn't fit in a photo session.  I'll try to get two for today!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34 of 365 - The CD....

I've always been intrigued by the rainbow produced by light hitting a CD.  I was trying this out and ended up using a UV light to detect leaks in A/C lines as the light source. The UV really make this interesting.
The CD looks like its spinning.  I moved the light around to make the CD look like it was moving.  Normally I would have removed the small "wisp" of blue in the lower left corner...Here I think it makes the movement more believable even though nothing moved. Till tomorrow....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

33 of 365 - Green glass...

We went for a walk down town today and I found this sculpture that I found interesting.  Well...At least part of it.
The contrast in texture and colors pulled me into this one.  I had a few for today and this was my favorite.  Till tomorrow....

Monday, February 1, 2010

32 of 365 - Winter...

The title sums this one up.  We have great weather right now here in Arizona.  Unfortunately winter still rears its ugly head.  This shot brought me back to the gray skies and dreary days of the northeast winters.
I like shots like this with the shallow depth of field and good bokeh.  Look for more to come.  Till tomorrow...