Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas....

I couldn't pass up a chance to have a little fun with the ornaments. 

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas and New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

A New Start!

I'm back!

Well the 365 didn't work out as well as I hoped.  It started to become a chore to post everyday.  That really wasn't the issue...The real issue was that I felt like I was just posting any garbage picture that I shot that day.  So I put the blog on the shelf for a while; but not my camera!

I've been taking a ton of pictures with a focus on the technical side of photography.  Color, white balance, and exposure have been a few of my greatest struggles.  I've been working on those as well as adding strobe lighting into the mix.  My intention is to get this blog moving again.  Hopefully I can update a couple times a week with a new picture or two. 

Sometimes I am glad I drag my camera with me everywhere I go.  This was on a recent flight and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to catch this shot.